Our WOrk

Authentic Carbon Credit Project

Not every sustainable project can generate genuine carbon credits, but if your practices meet the suitable characteristics to avoid the dispersion of tons of CO2, you could be approved by

We create a simple and transparent system!

Step 1: Professional Advice

We serve individuals, businesses, and organizations that wish to implement sustainable practices according to their type of activity for sustainable forest management and minimize carbon emissions per hectare. We assist in selecting equipment, from installing solar panels and other efficient technologies, etc.

Step 2: Development of customized strategies

We work hand in hand with our clients to select the best method for capturing tons of carbon in real time, from selecting high-precision sensors to using predictive algorithms to ensure maximum transparency and authenticity of your credits.

Step 3: Maximum tracking and control

State-of-the-art sensor technology ensures that as activities unfold, we measure how many tons of carbon dioxide the organization has stopped emitting and immediately credit them to the client

Step 4: Carbon Credit Trading and Blockchain

Once the carbon credit is accredited to the client, it is encrypted and can be exchanged at any time to generate additional income; the cost varies according to demand. Our data safeguards, privacy mechanisms, and certifications ensure you receive your fair share in carbon credit trading.

Understanding Our Approach to Carbon Credit Projects at Globusterra Ltd

At Globusterra Ltd, we specialize in designing custom carbon credit projects that align with the specific needs and regulations of each region. We consider two key components in every project:

1. Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and the Use of Carbon Credits: When initiating any project, we conduct an initial assessment to understand the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) declared by the country to the United Nations. This assessment is crucial in determining whether the carbon credits will be used domestically or internationally. This decision significantly impacts our approach to the carbon credit scheme and the pricing estimation.

2. Land Size and Ongoing Initiatives: The size of the land being used and the ongoing initiatives are critical in estimating the potential of carbon credits. The size of the project influences our approach to carbon credits, as large-scale projects have more compliance criteria compared to smaller-scale projects.

At Globusterra Ltd, we are committed to designing carbon credit solutions that are not only effective and sustainable but also in line with local regulations and needs. Discover more about how we can help you maximize the potential of your carbon credit projects.

In our organization, we are deeply committed to the negotiation and effective management of over two million hectares across America, Africa, and Europe. These vast tracts of land are being meticulously prepared and developed for ambitious carbon reduction projects. Our focus is not only on environmental conservation but also on implementing sustainable practices that benefit both nature and local communities.

We are constantly seeking ways to optimize and expand our strategies and methods to make these projects more efficient and effective. This effort includes adopting innovative technologies, collaborating with sustainability experts, and actively involving local communities in our projects. Our goal is to create a lasting positive impact on the environment while fostering socioeconomic development in the regions where we operate.

we are working on more than 2 million
hectares in the world